Only the best Clenbuterol brands for your perfect cycle!

Magnificent body relief, athletic build, "cubes" on the torso, flexible body – a worthy reward for a bodybuilder for his titanic work in the gym. Best results can be achieved in the shortest possible time using modern anabolic drugs and high-quality fat burners. Clenbuterol in bodybuilding (also called Clen) – an effective drug that burns fat deposits by stimulating beta-2-adrenergic receptors, safely builds muscles during the cutting process and reduces appetite. Doctors use the medicine to treat asthma. The product is not hormonal and does not cause serious side effects.

Description of the steroid Clenbuterol

The standard dosage of the drug is 40 mcg in one tablet (read the instructions carefully before taking it).

If you take Clenbuterol once a day, drink it within an hour in the morning after sleeping, if you use it twice, the second dose is recommended at 13-14 hours. Take half an hour before meals and 5-8 hours before training.

  • Eat a strictly balanced diet, do not forget about cardio and exercise intensively.
  • The number of kilograms dropped individually. The result depends on the quality of the training process, the constitution of your body and a well-developed diet.
  • When losing excess weight, regardless of taking Clenbuterol , women may experience monthly cycle failure. The female body perceives the loss of fat mass as an "emergency", so there may be temporary delays or interruptions.
  • The maximum daily dose for men is 120-140 mcg, for women – 80-100 mcg;
  • Experts recommend starting the drug for women on the 5-6th day of the cycle.
  • Large doses (250-300 mcg) can destroy muscles.

Clenbuterol is an excellent plus for cutting, speeding up metabolism and effectively getting rid of fat deposits.

For whom is Clenbuterol indicated?

The drug was developed mainly for patients with bronchial asthma. However, today it is used successfully in bodybuilding to lose weight and increase lean body mass in both men and women. It is not recommended to take the drug if you are diagnosed with:

  • thyroid disease;
  • the pregnancy;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia, diseases of the muscle tissue of the left ventricle of the heart.

To avoid side effects, strictly follow the instructions for use. When starting the intake, take into account the peculiarities of the drug: after two weeks, the effectiveness of taking Clenbuterol decreases, so it is recommended to take a break, and after 14 days to continue the course again. In the course of admission, you can lose 5-7 kilograms, if it is combined with intense physical activity and protein-rich foods.

How to take Clenbuterol during the cycle?

The action of the drug is based on the binding of the active ingredient, clenbuterol gidrochloridum, with type 2 beta receptors, which are found in adipose and muscle tissues. As a result, there is a marked increase in the synthesis of cAMP in the body, which activates the enzymes that "pull" fatty acids from the cells that make up adipose tissue. Another action of the Clenbuterol cycle is to activate the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which, in turn, also promote fat burning.

These properties are used by athletes for cutting. The actual level of increased metabolism in the body when taking clenbuterol is 20-30%. To achieve maximum results, some athletes use caffeine, thyroxine and ketotifen in a complex.

The effect of taking Clenbuterol

The clenbuterol course, calculated according to the recommended doses, has a versatile effect:

  • burn fat and cut muscle mass;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased strength;
  • support for intense workouts;
  • increased muscle stiffness and better relief;
  • Psycho-emotional mobilization.

Methods of using Clen pills

To get the optimal effect from using Clenbuterol, the recommended dosages must be strictly adhered to during your cycle. The main nuances of how to take clenbuterol for weight loss are as follows:

  • the drug is taken in one course, the duration of which is usually 2 weeks, since after this period a sharp decrease in the effectiveness of the drug is observed;
  • the course must be combined with diet and intense physical activity, it is necessary to take an increased amount of protein;
  • the drug is injected incrementally and at the end, it is necessary to “go downstairs”;
  • the time of application of clenbuterol – in the morning and in the evening.

Clenbuterol dosage to burn fat

Dosage, how to take clenbuterol to cut in men:

  • the maximum dose for men is 120-140 mcg;
  • you need to start with 20 μg, which corresponds to 0.02 mg of the drug;
  • in the future, the dose is increased daily by 20 μg, reaching a peak at 6-12 days;
  • the last 2 days of the cycle, the amount of clenbuterol is reduced to 80 and 40 μg.

Doses, how to take clenbuterol in women, differ only in the maximum allowable norm, which is at the level of 80-100 mcg, while the rest of the dosage regimen is similar to that recommended for men. Clenbuterol is available in the form of tablets and also as a syrup.

The problem of how to take clenbuterol tablets can be solved very simply: 1 tablet equals 0.02 mg of clenbuterol. That is, the course begins with taking one tablet per day, and on peak days, men and women take 6-7 and 4-5 tablets, respectively. A more complicated calculation is how to take clenbuterol in syrup. In this case, 5 ml (teaspoon) of syrup contains 0.01 mg of the active ingredient. Based on this ratio, the calculation is made for each day of the course of the drug.